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How to choose a cloud platform and which platform is recommended for operating in the mainland China market?

In today's highly digitized era, cloud platforms have become essential tools for businesses. However, with numerous cloud platforms available, how do you choose the one that best suits your needs? Today, we will introduce commonly used cloud platforms and discuss key considerations for selecting the right platform. Let's take a look!

What is a cloud platform?

A cloud platform is a service that is based on the internet and stores information on remote servers and data centers. These servers and data centers can be located globally, allowing users to access and utilize resources through the internet. The benefits of a cloud platform are that users do not need to own or manage their own servers or data centers. Instead, they can obtain the required resources through leasing services. Additionally, cloud platforms offer greater flexibility and scalability, better accommodating the needs of businesses.

To simplify, a cloud platform is like a place where a lot of data can be stored, and we can access and use the platform's data through the internet, similar to watching videos on our phones. The advantage is that we don't need to purchase our own computers or servers; we only need to "rent" them. Moreover, the resources accommodated by a cloud platform can be continuously expanded, better catering to the needs of businesses.

There are several commonly used cloud platforms available today

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Advantages/Features:
    -The world's largest cloud platform.
    -Wide range of services available.
    -Highly scalable and flexible.
    -Rich ecosystem of third-party applications.
  • Disadvantages:
    -Higher cost compared to some competitors.
    -Requires expertise and knowledge to operate effectively.

Microsoft Azure

  • Advantages/Features:
    -Cloud platform under Microsoft's umbrella.
    -Deep integration with the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Disadvantages:
    -Higher cost compared to some competitors.
    -Complex pricing structure.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  • Advantages/Features:
    -Cloud platform launched by Google.
    -Abundance of machine learning and artificial intelligence tools.
  • Disadvantages:
    -Smaller market share compared to some competitors.
    -Services may be relatively less mature.

IBM Cloud

  • Advantages/Features:
    -Cloud platform offered by IBM.
    -Strong support for enterprise-grade applications.
    -Emphasizes robust security and reliability.
  • Disadvantages:
    -Complex configuration and operation.
    -Additional technical support may be required.


  • Advantages/Features:
    -Eliminates the need for ICP registration and bypassing the Great Firewall, making it advantageous for operating in the Chinese market.
    -Highly flexible ECS hosting with high freedom and minimal binding to specific programs.
    -Utilizes CN2 high-priority network connectivity, ensuring high stability and providing ultra-fast connections with latency under 50ms.
  • Disadvantages:
    -Smaller international market share.

The Table of 5 Common Cloud Platforms

Amazon Web Services
Microsoft AzureGoogle Cloud Platform (GCP)IBM CloudMICROUD
•Global's largest cloud platform
•Wide range of services
•Highly scalable and flexible
•Rich third-party applications
•Microsoft's cloud platform
•Highly integrated with Microsoft systems
•Google's cloud platform
•Abundance of ML and AI tools
•Expert support and solutions
•IBM's cloud platform
•Support for enterprise-level applications
•Robust security and reliability
•No ICP registration or firewall cost, reducing latency
•Flexible ECS hosting
•Stable and fast CN2 network connectivity
Disadvantages•Higher cost
•Requires expertise for operation
•Higher cost
•Complex pricing structure
•Smaller market share
•Services relatively less mature
•Complex setup and operation
•Requires extra technical support
•Limited global market share

For the selection and usage of cloud platforms, businesses should also prioritize the following key points to ensure the best outcomes.

How to choose a cloud platform? Here are four key points!

With the wide range of choices available in cloud platforms, it's important to know how to choose the right one. Key considerations include security, user interface, customer support, and scalability. Let's explore each of these points in more detail.


A good cloud platform must provide robust security measures to protect customer data and applications. For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a highly secure cloud platform that offers various protection measures, such as data encryption, identity authentication, and access control. Additionally, AWS provides multiple layers of defense to safeguard customer applications and data from attacks. The security and reliability of AWS have been recognized by major companies like Netflix, Airbnb, and Slack.

Therefore, when choosing a cloud platform, security is the most critical consideration. By selecting a secure and reliable platform, businesses can confidently migrate their applications and data to the cloud.

User Interface

Choose an easy-to-use platform to optimize productivity, reduce training costs, and enhance user satisfaction. MICROUD, for example, offers a user-friendly interface suitable for both beginners and experienced users, enabling efficient management and utilization.

Customer Support

Timely and effective support is crucial for addressing technical issues. MICROUD, as a localized company, provides direct online communication to better understand customer needs. Additionally, localized support, including language and cultural context, simplifies problem-solving for customers.

Scalability of Services

  1. Elastic Computing:Choose a platform that adjusts computing capacity based on business needs. For example, it automatically scales computing capacity when handling increased data to ensure efficient application operation.
  2. Scalable Storage: The platform provides scalable storage space as a company's data volume grows, ensuring smooth application operation.
  3. Automated Scaling: The platform automatically scales applications to handle sudden traffic spikes or changes, reducing manual management and improving reliability and availability.
  4. High Availability: The platform ensures uninterrupted business operations with high availability for applications and databases, even during system failures or other issues.

How is the cost of cloud platforms calculated?

The billing methods for cloud platforms vary significantly. When choosing a billing method, it is important to consider your actual needs and budget. Additionally, attention should be given to potential hidden costs and the pricing structure. When selecting a platform, factors such as platform features, limitations, availability, and reliability should be considered to ensure the best results.

Different Cloud Platforms Billing Methods

Here are several common billing methods:

  • Pay-as-you-go: Charges based on the actual resource usage, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and others.
  • Bandwidth-based: Charges based on the bandwidth usage, such as Google Cloud Platform and MICROUD.
  • Hybrid: Combines both resource usage and bandwidth-based billing, such as IBM Cloud.

When selecting a billing method, it's important to consider your actual needs and budget, ensuring that the chosen method aligns with your requirements. Additionally, pay attention to potential hidden costs and understand the specifics of the billing process.

How to Choose the Right Solution

Consider the following examples:

Example 1: Small-scale Startup:

A small startup with a limited budget may prefer platforms like AWS, GCP, or MICROUD. These platforms offer flexible cost control and free entry-level plans, making them suitable for startups.

Example 2: Budget-Abundant Enterprise:

For a well-funded enterprise, MICROUD provides high security features and supports a wide range of enterprise-grade applications. Its flexible pricing options align well with enterprise budgets.

Example 3: Industry-Specific Needs:

Industries like finance or healthcare should choose platforms like AWS or MICROUD, which comply with industry standards like HIPAA, PCI DSS, or CN2 GIA Direct, ensuring regulatory compliance. 的HIPAA、PCI DSS 认证、麋云的CN2 GIA Direct 通道可以让企业能够更灵活地应对当地业务。

Recommendation of Cloud Platform: MICROUD

Features and Advantages of MICROUD

MICROUD is well-known for its flexible pricing, perfect customized services, and outstanding security. Here are some of the features and advantages of MICROUD:

  1. It has the highest level of CN2 GIA network, ensuring fast and stable connectivity for smoother operation of your applications.
  2. It can save the cost of ICP filing, reducing the threshold for using cloud platforms.
  3. it offers flexible billing, charging based on actual usage, so you don't have to pay for additional costs.
  4. It provides highly customized services, adjusting platform configurations and functionalities according to your needs, to give your applications the best support.
  5. Servers are distributed worldwide, offering fast and reliable services to customers in various regions.
  6. It offers a variety of services to meet different customer needs, allowing you to use the appropriate cloud platform anytime, anywhere.
  7. It protects customer data and applications through multiple security certifications and encryption mechanisms, providing better security assurance for customers.

Choose MICROUD to enable your business to grow rapidly in the cloud world and tackle various challenges without worries. Join MICROUD now and embark on your cloud journey!


When choosing the right cloud platform, multiple factors need to be considered, including security, scalability, performance, pricing, customer support, and availability, among others. Among these factors, security and scalability are among the most important ones. Additionally, the characteristics and limitations of different platforms, billing methods, and customer support should also be taken into account. Finally, you can choose the most suitable platform based on your needs and budget.

We recommend using "MICROUD" as your cloud platform because it offers flexible pricing, comprehensive customized services, and excellent security. Furthermore, MICROUD has advantages in the market, such as low latency and high availability, providing customers with better service experience and security assurance. Therefore, if you are looking for a reliable cloud platform, MICROUD is a choice worth considering.

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