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What is Cloud Server? An Article to Understand the Difference with Traditional Servers.

Are you still using traditional servers to handle increasingly large amounts of data while trying to enhance your comp any's international competitiveness? In recent years, "cloud servers" have been viewed as an important technology by the top 10 global enterprises. Many companies have already transitioned to using cloud servers, which help to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and facilitate industry transformation. In fact, nearly 90% of companies have made the switch! This article will discuss in detail what cloud servers are and help you stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends.

What is A Cloud Server?

A cloud server is a type of cloud computing service that allows users to log in and perform remote operations through the internet. The user can access various functions such as computing processes, data analysis, and server information transmission through the cloud server. All information can be operated, stored, and accessed in the cloud. The characteristic of a cloud server is that it does not require the construction and maintenance of a physical data center and server. Additionally, this information service is billed based on usage, making it cost-effective, efficient, and flexible.

Common applications of cloud servers

Cloud servers are especially suitable for enterprise applications due to their characteristics of being unrestricted by geographic location. Users can access the same files and run applications online at any time. As a result, various industries have started to use cloud servers. Let's take a look at some of the cloud server applications in our daily lives!

  • Healthcare companies: use cloud servers to develop personalized treatment plans for patients.
  • Financial service companies: use cloud servers to detect security threats in real-time, effectively preventing and combating fraud.
  • Video game manufacturers: use cloud servers for global deployment to provide players worldwide with a seamless online gaming experience.

Types of cloud server services

One of the characteristics of cloud servers is that they can self-allocate services according to demand. The main types of cloud server services are IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. The computing services provided by these three cloud servers are built layer upon layer, so the industry refers to them as a stack. Let's take a look at which cloud server service is suitable for your enterprise!

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

"IaaS" primarily provides computing resources. The supplier leases servers and network equipment to users. Users do not need to purchase any hardware equipment and infrastructure but only pay according to usage. Therefore, it is very suitable for startups or small and medium-sized enterprises. Common IaaS business cases include AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP (Google Cloud Platform), Hicloud Cloud Service by Chunghwa Telecom, Microsoft Azure, and Microud by Chinasoft International.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

"PaaS" primarily provides a cloud execution environment. The PaaS service includes IaaS plus operating systems and middleware programs. It allows the work team to focus on executing development, management, testing, access, and application creation in the cloud environment, leaving the other tasks to the supplier. This lowers the complexity of users' application development. Common PaaS business cases include Google's App Engine and Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) provides cloud software access, allowing users to use online software directly through a web browser without installing any applications. SaaS service offerings include Platform as a Service (PaaS) as well as application and data analytics, enabling teams to collaborate on projects using online applications. In fact, SaaS services are quite popular, with common SaaS business cases including Google Maps, Gmail, Google Drive, Netflix, AboSEND, AboTALK, and other online software.

Understanding the 3 major cloud server service offerings at once

User-managed projectsVendor-managed projects
Infrastructure as a Service
Applications, data, runtime environments, middleware, operating systemsVirtualization, servers, storage hardware, networks
Platform as a Service
Applications, dataRuntime environments, middleware, operating systems, virtualization, servers, storage hardware, networks
Software as a Service
Users do not need to manage software and hardware, Just log in to the online software to operateApplications, data, runtime environments, middleware, operating systems, virtualization, servers, storage hardware, networks

Deployment Models of Cloud Servers

Cloud servers are divided into four deployment models based on the attributes of the service type, such as multiple organizations, a single organization, or the public. These models are public cloud, private cloud, community cloud, and hybrid cloud. The main differences lie in the cloud computing architecture, security, and controllability.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Public cloud computing architecture is established by the provider and offers cloud computing services to the general public or many organizations. Common public cloud services include AWS, GCP, Azure, Microud, Google Docs, and Microsoft Office Live. Public clouds provide many free basic services and offer advanced cloud computing services for payment, with plenty of computational resources.

Private Cloud

Private cloud is designed to serve only a single organization and is built on the cloud computing architecture of the company or organization. People outside of the organization cannot use this cloud service, making it highly secure and controllable, but also resulting in high maintenance costs and difficulty quickly expanding computational resources.

Community Cloud

Community cloud is a cloud computing architecture established by multiple organizations to meet their shared needs. Only community members can use applications and cloud computing. Community clouds often target a single industry to provide services, such as electronic medical record exchange platforms for hospitals.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud combines two or more cloud computing architectures, offering the advantages of both public and private clouds. This is the most popular cloud server deployment model among enterprises. Standardized technologies are integrated to make applications and data portable, allowing flexible access to resources in different cloud environments. This model is usually suitable for large enterprises with sufficient funds, as integrating the two cloud computing architectures involves high integration costs and difficulties.

Comparing 4 Deployment Models of Cloud Servers

Cloud Server Deployment ModelMain AdvantagesConsiderations
Public CloudLow initial costs and IT expenses Easy to deploy at scaleUsers cannot control the cloud environment Lower security compared to private cloud
Private CloudHigh degree of control over the cloud environmentHigh security and privacyHigher operational costs Difficult to rapidly expand computational resources
Community CloudCan meet specific common goals Can provide dedicated services for a single industryDifficult to deploy due to smaller scale Lower scalability
Hybrid CloudHigh computing efficiency Good scalability and portabilityHigh management complexity High integration costs

3 Major Differences between Cloud Servers and Traditional Servers

When many companies and enterprises transform their physical traditional servers into virtual cloud servers, the biggest concern is the security of cloud servers. However, in fact, the current technology of cloud servers is very mature, and it is far superior to traditional servers in terms of cost reduction, security solutions, and technical aspects. The following lists the 3 major differences between the two:

1.Server security

Cloud servers have more comprehensive security than traditional servers. Traditional servers are easily affected by the overload of too many users, causing delays, and when hardware fails, data center technicians need to spend a lot of time repairing it. In contrast, cloud servers have more professional network security capabilities and reliability, lower failure rates than traditional servers, and have better security solutions, such as disaster recovery backup services, data backup, and reliable uninterrupted connections, which are technologies that traditional servers cannot achieve.

2.Performance and computing technology

Cloud servers integrate various technologies such as computing, networking, storage, operating systems, and virtualization. The computing power is about 4 times that of traditional servers and has automatic data synchronization and backup functions. However, traditional servers need to install a hard disk RAID to achieve automatic backup function. Cloud servers are significantly superior to traditional servers in terms of computing performance, flexibility, stability, and security.

3.Cost allocation and expansion

The cost allocation of traditional servers requires planning hardware devices, personnel maintenance, and other construction costs. When building, the future expansion of data center space must be calculated. Therefore, most traditional servers often face situations where overestimation leads to waste of resources. However, cloud servers do not have hardware cost considerations and only need to pay according to usage. Enterprises can purchase service plans according to their current needs, so cost control and scalability are more flexible.

Comparing Cloud Servers and Traditional Servers

Cloud ServerTraditional Server
Construction MethodAchieved through virtualization for distributed storage systemsConstructed and managed using physical hardware devices
Cost ControlPay-as-you-go pricing based on usage Flexible resource adjustmentPre-purchase of large amounts of hardware equipment Higher initial costs and difficult to control
Access Platform Accessed remotely via the InternetOnly accessible through physical servers

How to Choose Cloud Servers? 3 Considerations to Keep in Mind

No matter the size of a business operation, it is important to choose a suitable cloud server based on the organization's needs and budget in order to maximize efficiency. But how can you determine which cloud server is right for your company? Pay attention to these three points to help you make the right purchase!

  1. As the scale of a business increases and the number of required services grows, the number of services managed by providers is highest for SaaS, followed by PaaS and IaaS in order.
  2. If a company plans to upgrade memory or space in the future, it is recommended to choose a hybrid cloud with good scalability, suitable for growing companies.
  3. Choose the appropriate deployment model based on the company's budget. If you are looking for low initial costs and overall IT expenses, you can start with a public cloud.

Many businesses face the problem of well-known brands bundling too many packages with their servers, while the actual needs of the company only require a simple and clean server. If this is the case for you, we recommend the more flexible ECS cloud server from Microud! This computing service has the following four advantages:

  1. Flexible application: Users can quickly build the required number of cloud servers without having to purchase hardware in advance.
  2. Flexible billing: Host service items and business scale can be adjusted based on business needs, allowing for flexible adjustment of IT costs.
  3. Simple and efficient: Management is more efficient and effective than traditional servers, and servers can be quickly opened with just one click.
  4. Flexible expansion: Modules can be flexibly expanded without hard binding, allowing cloud resources to be expanded or released at any time.


Compared to traditional servers, cloud servers have better scalability, security, efficiency, flexibility, and lower costs. If you want to handle everything from setup to cloud environment management, we recommend choosing cloud servers from Chi-Heng International. Our ECS cloud servers use public clouds, are charged based on bandwidth without any limit on traffic, and offer up to 16% discount. Do you want to enjoy one-on-one custom cloud services provided by a professional team? Please contact us immediately!

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